In today’s digital world, renewable power sources have the potential to become a practical solution to the long-standing environmental challenges faced by several nations. Having understood their noteworthy benefits, organizations worldwide have started to invest in green sources to develop sustainable energy infrastructure. Technology giants like Inc. Apple Inc. are at the forefront of such a movement and are inspiring others to do the same. After revealing its intensions to become carbon neutral throughout its whole sector, supply chain production, and product life cycle by 2030, Apple Inc. has reportedly confirmed that it will invest in the development of two of the world’s biggest onshore wind turbines, a clean energy source that would move its supply chain and products closer to carbon neutrality. As per sources, the 200-meter turbines near the Danish city of Esbjerg are estimated to deliver 62-gigawatt hours per year and will serve as a test site for efficient offshore wind turbines. The electricity created at Esbjerg will benefit the company’s data center in Viborg, with all surplus power going into the Danish grid. While Apple’s operations are now fueled by 100% green energy and carbon neutral, this latest pledge would ensure that by 2030, any Apple product sold would have a net-zero climate effect. This involves the shift of all its European-based supplies to renewable energy. In October 2015, Apple unveiled a campaign to support suppliers to minimize their energy consumption and move to 100% renewable electricity. After its introduction, 72 manufacturing partners in 17 separate countries have dedicated 100% of renewable energy to Apple’s developments. If all of Apple’s supplier initiatives complete this task at hand, these investments would eliminate more than 14.3 million metric tons of CO2e each year, corresponding to getting more than 3 million vehicles off the road each year. Source Credit-Â https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/09/apple-expands-renewable-energy-footprint-in-europe/