That’s It, the famed U.S. fruit bar maker, has recently entered the confectionery industry with a new line of truffles made of 64% dark chocolate. The truffles will come in two fruit variants: dates and figs. U.S. retailers including Starbucks, CVS and Target will be selling the dark chocolate truffles with each bag priced at $3. Lior Lewensztain, CEO, That’s It, has reportedly said that the truffle flavors are a result of trying to create a premium experience. He also said that the word ‘truffle’ is of special significance as these are not panned candies, purees, fillings or concentrates but real fruits just like the That’s It nutrition bars. Lewensztain added that the pricing of That’s It truffles will be much more affordable compared to its competitors. Also, the number of calories in a single serving is 100 calories with each truffle having only 20 calories, which will encourage consumers to snack without feeling guilty. Healthy confectioneries may just be the next wave of food trend, claim experts. Recent statistics showed that sale of healthy snacks has slowed down after outpacing the growth of indulgent snacks for almost a decade. As per sources, in 2017 the sale of indulgent snacks grew by 1.9% while the sale of wellness snacks slipped by 0.4%. Sweet snacking trends reportedly, have encouraged snack manufacturers to add confectioneries to their portfolio. For instance, food producer for the health conscious, Halen Brands created a French style indulgent chocolate while Rainmaker invested in turning sales around by bringing artisan chocolatier Sulpice and Sugarpova on board. Lewensztain commented on this trend of health and wellness food producers switching to confectionery by saying that confectionery does not necessarily need to be unhealthy. He said that contrary to popular belief, That’s It is able to maintain all the principals of the brand including clean ingredients and the wellness perspective. In the That’s It truffles consumers get one serving of fruit and the health benefits of dark chocolate at the same time, he added.