Dentsu Aegis Network has reportedly stated that it has hit the 100 per cent renewable energy target across the wide expanse of its global operations. The company has a workforce of 45,000 employees spread across 145 markets and has effectively achieved its landmark objective of becoming 100 per cent powered by renewable energy well before the schedule. According to Anna Lungley, the Chief Sustainability Officer of Dentsu Aegis Network, the company is a global leader in creative, media, and digital communications services and possesses the capability for influencing and informing the choices people make on a day-to-day basis. She has further added that Dentsu is dedicated to using that influence for addressing sustainable consumption and production, tackling climate crisis, raising awareness of the issue, and helping the decarbonization of global economy. Lungley has also stated that the company had set the most ambitious goals for itself in 2015, requiring a rapid renewable energy transition across its entire business in only five years. While the company has effectively achieved that target well ahead of the schedule, it continues to remain laser-focused on achieving its 2030 science based objectives, added Lungley. Sources cite that Dentsu’s renewable energy transition is supported by RE100, which is a global initiative bringing together the most influential organizations dedicated to 100 per cent renewable power. The transition is efficaciously led by the Climate Group in collaboration with GDP. According to reports, Dentsu Aegis Network has achieved its 2015 ambitious target of procuring 100 per cent renewable energy by the end of 2020 in all markets in compliance with the strict technical criteria set by RE100. However, challenges do continue to exist in sourcing renewable energy in specific markets that endeavor to deliver the necessary renewable infrastructure that businesses require for the achievement of complete RE100 status. Source Credits: https://mumbrella.com.au/dentsu-hits-100-renewable-energy-target-643129