Ceará, with its greatest potential among the Brazilian states, has reportedly received the first investment, as it has four projects in progress. Presently, Brazil has 7 offshore wind energy projects with wind turbines. Out of these, 4 are installed in the state of Ceará and are observed to have favorable conditions to call for investment. Approximately 117 GW offshore wind power can be generated in the State, confirmed the Wind and Solar Atlas of Ceará. This is almost one-third of the capacity of the complete Northeast region for areas with a depth of up to 50 meters, projected in 360 GW through the roadmap of the Energy Research Company (EPE). The president of Ceará Development Agency’s (Adece) Renewable Energy Sector Chamber (CS Renováveis), Jurandir Picanço stated that they have the finest conditions in the country, including Rio Grande do Norte. Also, Ceará has the benefit of having a shallow coastline which simplifies the implementation of wind farms, further decreasing the cost of the foundation. The potential of offshore wind power generation of the state is more than onshore, confirmed Jurandir Picanço. According to the president of CS Renováveis, if the State is able to win offshore wind generation parks in the future, the companies might also start manufacturing wind turbines in Ceará. In municipalities such as São Gonçalo do Amarante, Caucaia, Camocim, and Amontada, the construction work will be done. It is estimated that a total of 5 GW power that will be generated from about 400 wind turbines installed on the coast of Ceará. The 7 offshore wind generation projects in Brazil are in quest of licenses from the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama). The firm with Brazilian and Italian capital, BI Participações e Investimentos is responsible for two of the four projects in Ceará is expecting to obtain a license beforehand to carry on the Caucaia-Parazinho Offshore Wind Farm project. It started in 2016 and estimates a project with 59 wind turbines and 310 MW of total power. Source: https://www.evwind.es/2020/08/13/ceara-has-the-greatest-potential-in-brazil-for-offshore-wind-energy/76491#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20Wind%20and,the%20roadmap%20of%20the%20Energy