Categories: Food and beverages

Japan’s Fuji Oil to buy NA’s largest cocoa producer Blommer Chocolate

Blommer Chocolate Company, a leading ingredient chocolate supplier in North America, has recently unveiled that it has entered into an agreement to be sold to Fuji Oil Holding Inc., a leading producer of plant-based food solutions. Reportedly, all the Blommer business units located in North America and Shanghai are being acquired by Fuji Oil.

As stated by Peter Blommer, CEO of Blommer Chocolate, the age-old brand has been one of the most reliable suppliers of ingredient chocolate in the food industry and has been serving some of the iconic brands with more than 80 years of experience. As per credible sources, despite the deal, Peter Blommer, along with the board of senior management team will remain as one of the leaders of the company.

According to the CEO, combining the expertise will give the firm ample prospects for setting a firm foot in the industry, while driving growth and rendering customer satisfaction with the products.

The financial advisor for the transaction is reportedly BofA Merrill Lynch, whereas Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher and Flom LLP are playing the roles of legal counsel for Blommer. The terms of the transactions were not yet disclosed, however, the deal is expected to be completed within 30 to 60 days.

Hiroshi Shimizu, CEO and President of Fuji Oil Holdings, was quoted stating that Fuji Oil is a global manufacturer of food ingredients with chocolate, oil and fat, fermented and emulsified food, and soy protein businesses as its strong pillars. The company’s industrial chocolate business is a leader in the Asian market and has also expanded its reach across major parts of the world including South America and Europe.

As reported by Chicago Tribune, Blommer is the leading ingredient supplier in North America and the largest producer of Cocoa, and the third largest industry chocolate manufacturer in the world.
Paroma Bhattacharya:

Paroma currently works as a content developer for CMFE Research and a couple of other platforms. Fortified with a post-graduation degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, she delved head long into a writing career, creating resourceful and information enriched content in diverse fields. Apart from being a compulsive reader she also loves to cook, paint and travel. UPDATE: Paroma Bhattacharya no longer writes for CMFE Research. Should you have any query related to the content or wish to get in touch with us, please reach out to ‘Pankaj Singh’. or Email -