Amidst the rising prices of LPG, Kenya is planning to set up standards to pave a new way for biogas commercialization, a move that will result in offering cheap energy for consumers and generating ample revenue for producers.
According to sources, KBS (Kenya Bureau of Standards) stated that it is currently working on the norms for biogas packaging. Apparently, it is the only thing missing in commercializing the methane gas from plant matter and animal waste.
Speaking on the latest move, Alex Mboa, KBS's principal standards officer, mentioned that the agency is offering solutions to cater to the market needs, which will ultimately result in the commercialization of cheaper biogas across the country.
Mboa further claimed that the present market need is to establish standards for the packaging of biogas while stating that the Kenya government would be providing them as per the need.
However, it would depend on the market to use and apply the standards to scale up the businesses.
According to reports, a work plan has been established in 2015, and its body only needs to review the current standards for identifying the gaps and addressing them.
Francis Xavier Ochieng, the thematic head of Jkuat (Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology), addressed standards as the only missing link for the commercialization of biogas energy across the country.
Francis, who headed the research on the biogas’ status in Kenya last year, revealed that the energy is cheaper than LPG, whose price changes in line with that of crude from which it is obtained.
It has also been reported that biogas is a clean and cheaper source of energy and is something that the world needs now to address the commercialization aspect of it, which could only be accomplished once the standards are set in place.
Source credit - https://www.bioenergy-news.com/news/kenya-setting-up-standards-for-biogas-packaging/