The coronavirus pandemic have severely impacted businesses worldwide. Rising cases of COVID-19 among employees have led organizations to suspend their operations. Recently, U.S. fast-food giant McDonalds Corp. initiated a similar move after its seven employees in Singapore were tested positive. According to an official statement, McDonalds said that the Ministry of Health has advised it to suspend its restaurant operations, including drive-through and delivery services, until May 4 in response to the spreading COVID-19 outbreak. However, it would continue to pay salaries for all its 10,000 employees working across 135 outlets in Singapore. Apparently, the lockdown in Singapore is expected last until 4th May. During this period the country is expected observe heavy restrictions, especially against large gatherings and crowding. Commenting on the current situation, Kenneth Chan, Managing Director, McDonalds Singapore, said that these are unprecedented times and their firm has taken all the necessary safety & precautionary measure to keep its employees and customers safe. The food chain will continue to play its part to flatten the curve, claims Chan, adding that they are grateful for their customers continued support and are looking forward to serving them potentially starting May 5th. Credible reports claim that on 19th April, the Singapore Health Ministry announced 942 new cases of COVID-19, of which 893 were work permit holders that were living in foreign worker dormitories, while other 27 were foreign workers residing outside dormitories. Speculating growing cases in the country, the Ministry of Manpower has declared that all S-Pass and work permit holders in the construction sector would be mandated to stay at home. Reportedly, the novel coronavirus, which was first reported in Chinas Wuhan in December, has taken a toll on over 160,000 lives and infected more than 3.7 million people worldwide. In Singapore alone, the virus has killed almost 11 people and has infected around 6,000. Source Credit: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/world/coronavirus-pandemic-mcdonalds-suspends-operations-in-singapore-after-seven-employees-test-positive-5163941.html