McDonalds restaurants across the Netherlands will be delivering Big Macs on meal trolleys, putting hand sanitizers at the entrance of all the outlets and putting out designated spots for waiting to keep the customers separated once the shops are allowed to be open. McDonalds has been holding trials at a restaurant in Arnhem and seeking ways to be able to manage and maintain social distancing after the lockdown for coronavirus is relaxed. Eunice Koekkoek, spokeswoman of McDonalds in the Netherlands said that the food joint is making efforts to keep its customers as well as employees safe while also helping maintain the atmosphere of the restaurant. The changes are drastic, but the company hopes to make it in a way that does not stand out too much. Bars, restaurants and many other public places in the Netherlands have remained closed since March 15. As per recent confirmation coronavirus cases have jumped to 39,791 with nearly 4,893 deaths. Newer infections have dropped and have encouraged calls to ease the lockdown after the current deadline on May 19. According to reliable sources, the decision to reopen all the restaurants as well as bars is expected to be taken on about May 12, however, Mark Rutte, the Prime Minister has reportedly ruled out the decision for return to normal. In case the shops do open, the staff and the customers will have to be kept at a distance of minimum 1.5 meters to avoid a wave of new infections. McDonalds has stated that it shall introduce a table service, serving fries and burgers being wheeled to the customers on trolleys. The customers can pick their meals from the trolley. Some new features would also include a host behind the plastic screen assigning the customers their place in the line and hand-washing stations at all the entrances. Several restaurant owners living in the Netherlands have been worried that social distancing shall put them out of business. Source Credit- https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/dutch-mcdonalds-trials-social-distancing-restaurant